Animation Pricing Guide

The Budget Level


Base Fee


Per 30 seconds

2-4 Week

Typical Turnaround

(ex. 30 seconds = $500-750 | 1 minute = $600-1100 | 2 minutes = $800-1800)

We find a video that you like and jump straight to animating from the script, skipping the design process. This will typically only involve video, photo, text, and icons. These are options for animations with tight budgets.

Stock Video & Text

Simple slides with text, icons, and stock video.

Simple Graphic & Text

A budget option using simple animated slides.

Simple Text Animation

Using simple text and shapes.

Simply Stock Footage

Mostly using stock footage with voiceover and music.

Visualizing Information

Visualizing complex information in a simple way.

High Energy Text

Enhancing the spoken word with fast moving text.

Hype Video

Lots of moving details to create extra hype.

Animation Tracking

Tracking on branded or purposeful elements to footage.

3D Text & Video

Putting text and video into a 3D space.

Tracking Text

Tracking text onto real footage.

Locations & Maps

Using faux 3D to highlight locations.

Stock Footage Edit & Enhancement

Adding simple animation to a stock footage edit.

Whiteboard (no custom design)

Bringing alive illustrations with a simple and repeatable technique.

Write-On Graphics (no custom design)

Simple write-on animations to add interest to video.

The Standard Level


Base Fee


Per 30 seconds

6-8 Week

Typical Turnaround

(ex. 30 seconds = $1150-1350 | 1 minute = $1550-1950 | 2 minutes = $2350-3150)

This involves our full process of custom design & animation but typically involves techniques and art styles that aren't too time intensive. These are our standard animations for companies that want a great looking animation without too many frills.

Literal & Exact UI

Using your exact UI for percise demonstrations.

UI Marketing Material

Creating a beautiful mockup and animation of your new site.

Complex Flat

Animating complex graphic design.


A aesthetic perfect for tech companies.

UI Explainer

Creating a more feature driven video, perfect for sales.

Abstract UI Explainer

Creating a more evergreen version of your UI.

Detailed Text

More than a simple text animation.

Interview Enhancement

Using animation to enhance a standard interview.

3D Overlay

Using 3D tracked elements.

3D Product Presentation

Using simple 3D objects for product highlights.

Faux 3D Environments

Putting 2D objects in 3D space.

Platform Promo

Tracking your UI on real footage.

Abstract Shapes

Telling a story with abstract shapes.


Create beautiful parallax landscapes.

Retro Timeline

A modern way to show off dated assets.


A unique angle for your animation.

City Environments

Characters in real life locations.

Seamless Transitions

Doing more than just wipes and hard cuts.

The Premium Level


Base Fee


Per 30 seconds

6-10 Week

Typical Turnaround

(ex. 30 seconds = $1850-2250+ | 1 minute = $2450-3250+ | 2 minutes = $3650-5250+)

Lots of time and effort will go into really impressive design and animation styles. This is where you'll start seeing character animation and more detailed scenes with faster pacing. If you are looking for the best we have to offer, this is the animation you want.

Multi-Scene Illustration

Lots of custom scene design.

Detailed Scenes

Creating very detailed illustrations.

Complex Character Movement

Unique character rigging.

Detailed Character Expressions

Complex facial rigging for emotions.

Multiple Characters

Lots of custom characters.

Complex Animation Techniques

Like squash and squish.

Complex Organic Shapes

Animation that feels hand-drawn and alive.

Walking Animations

Character walking animations.

Complex Abstract Movements

Abstract shapes & complex transitions.

Storybook Illustration

Detailed Illustrator type animations.

Faux 3D

Animating objects in a faux 3D style.

Custom Transitions

Unique transitions to match the scene.

2D Morph

An appealing, abstract animation style that's hard to stop watching.


Utilize a shape as the main character in your story.

Additional Concept & Script Writing


Base Fee


Per 30 seconds

If you don't have a finished script ready to go, we can help with the concept and script writing!


  • All prices listed are close estimations. Each project is unique and may require a different price before the animation begins.
  • We do our pricing by starting with a base cost and then finalizing the cost once final run time is determined.
  • Time is rounded down to the nearest 5 seconds.
  • Timelines are estimations. With large orders we are able to block the time on our production schedule to reduce production time.
  • Not Included: Voiceover fees & stock video/music/graphics not included in our subscription services

Let's create something together

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